St Louis no 1, New Orleans

St Louis no 1 is the oldest cemetery in New Orleans and was opened in 1789. According to Wikipedia (which is not always to be trusted, mind you), it’s also the most famous cemetery. I don’t know about the fame, though, opinions might be divided about this one. This award might instead be rewarded to a certain Lafayette no 1 nowadays.

There are 3 Catholic cemeteries in New Orleans by the name of St Louis, and they are simply named 1, 2 and 3. Here you’ll find celebrities, among others the voodoo queen Marie Laveau. Nicholas Cage wants to join this crew on St Louis no 1 when the day comes, and he has already bought his lot. The tomb stands ready.

Vandalism, however, has put a nasty stop to ponderings on the cemetery St Louis no 1…

Due to vandalism you are no longer allowed to visit St Louis no 1 on your own. This is such a shame. Instead, you had to book a guide and a tour. Walking around with other random people… It was interesting listening to the guide, of course. Running around with this random group of people and not being allowed any alone time in there = death! Quite fittingly…

Nicholas Cage and the pyramid tomb…

The guide stopped at Nicholas Cage’s famous tomb. According to the guide (and the internet) he actually visits it from time to time. Isn’t that slightly odd? Building your own tomb and then visiting it randomly? Nicholas Cage did previously own 2 houses in New Orleans but was forced to sell them while he went bankrupt during a short period in his life.

I can understand why he fell in love with New Orleans, having done so myself. However, I don’t think he’s got any connections to New Orleans from this life, also like me. So I figure the love he feels comes from past lives, but what do I know. New Orleans is an amazing city. Amazing cemeteries.

Maybe I too should buy myself a lot here… 😛

st louis no 1 nicholas cage grave omnia ab uno
Nicholas Cage’s tomb – a pyramid with the Latin text “Omnia ab uno” – all into one.

Crazy as I am about Egypt and all ruins I can’t say I don’t get why he chose a pyramid… So even though I’ve always been a Nicholas Cage fan, I was slightly more of a fan now… 😛 It also seems plenty of other women feel the same… all that red lipstick on the tomb…

charnette woman taking selfie on st louis no 1
Even the selfie reveals how much I’m suffering from this group thing…

According to the guide, some question the tomb of the voodoo queen Marie Laveau. There are 2 to choose from, apparently, and well… yes, it was all kind of mystical. Or was that part of some made-up storyline? The placard down to the left of this tomb says Marie Laveau, but her name was never really put on the tomb. Fans and other random people usually put crosses on the grave, thus it needs to be restored on a regular basis. This is one of the reasons you can’t walk around there alone.


st louis no 1 marie laveau grave


Have you visited St Louis no 1? What’s your impression? Did you take a tour? Please leave a comment!

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Lafayette no 1, New Orleans
St Louis no 1, New Orleans

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